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Gold medal EcoVadis

We have now earned the gold medal two consecutive years in a row. Responsible business conduct is very important to us and EcoVadis sustainability rating is an important tool to show us that our efforts give us the wanted results

Once a year we participate in a thorough examination from EcoVadis to establish a sustainability rating. 2020 was the first year we were rated and was awarded with a bronze medal, and at that time we were delighted with the results.

We are continuing our efforts and are again awarded a gold medal.

This result places us in the topp 5% of all companies assessed by EcoVadis. EcoVadis rates over 100 000 companies worldwide. 

You can read more about Ecovadis and the rating here
Read more about ColliCare Logistics sustainability engagement here

Since its founding in 2007, EcoVadis has become the world’s largest and most trusted provider of business sustainability ratings, creating a global network of more than 100,000 rated companies.

Today Ecovadis is the World's most trusted business sustainability ratings, whether you want to improve your own sustainability practices or fulfilling a customer’s request.

Sonnie Førrisdahl

Sonnie Førrisdahl

Sustainability Manager